Monday, July 26, 2010


If some of you have been wondering if this blog has a mascot or not, I'm very pleased to report that it does! It is my teddy bear hamster, frequently referred to as "my hammie". This particular hammie is not only gorgeous and sweet-natured but he also represents the very best of artful hamster living - he eats his cucumbers and broccoli sprouts along with his fortune cookies and Häagen-Dazs vanilla bean ice cream. He particularly loves cannolis and discerningly rejects pickles.

Truffles, blog mascot


  1. Hammie is awfully cute! I love cannolis too. He has good taste!

  2. Thanks, Corey, from me and Truffie!

  3. Do you call him your hammie because of Hamtaro? I think they are called ham-hams, but it made me think of them!
    -Angie Creech

  4. I guess I refer to him as hammie like I might refer to a dog as doggie. I didn't know about hamtaro - thanks for the link - cute!
