Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Serendipitous Nugget!

When I watched Inglorious Basterds (see post below) recently, the movie featured an outstanding example of a cultural difference that would have never occurred to me otherwise.  That alone made the movie worth watching.

An American impersonating a German military officer was undone because he held up his index, middle and ring finger to order three glasses of scotch.  He had unwittingly given himself away because the German way to indicate "three" is with the thumb, index finger and middle finger!  Who would have thought!  Or as ET would say, "Go figure!"

 German "3"
(actually most Europeans indicate "three" this way)

 American "3"

So, what is my point?  Be open to new experiences.  Inglorious Basterds is not a foreign film, but I was rewarded with a very interesting insight unexpectedly anyway.  If I can discover something like this without even trying, what else might I come across if I just said, "Ok, let's just see what this is all about."  Life should be an adventure and that means there should be treasure hunts!

So, consider experiences that are heretofore (I love the excuse to use that word) unventured (is that a real word?) as one way to enrich your life!

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